Saturday, January 8, 2011

We love to be recognized

We love to be recognized. With so many websites out there, taking the time to pluck out a few favorites related to your industry and posting a Top 10 award list of them on your blog is another way to gain links. In addition to contacting the award “winners” to let them know you selected them (they’ll likely link to you!), include a snippet about the winners in your next newsletter. There’s a good chance readers will link to your post from their own blogs and social media presences.

Give to get. Although eCommerce businesses don’t necessarily have a lot of extra cash to give out these days, giving to a charitable cause not only helps to cast your business in a good light, but it also helps you get some press out of the effort. Here are three promotions you can hold to spread goodwill and promote your brand:

Once you reach a certain number of Facebook fans, donate a portion of the proceeds from a sitewide sale to a cause related to your industry.
For each new Facebook fan you get within a specific time frame, donate $1 to a charitable organization.
Ask your Twitter followers to retweet a message about a cause you’ll be donating to, and then randomly select one of the retweeters as the winner of a prize from your online store.
You can add a post on your blog about the initiatives you’re involved in, and you can send out a newsletter (with a link to the post) that describes what the activities mean to you and your business. Ask your newsletter readers to share your blog post to help you spread the word and make your mission even more successful.

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