Saturday, January 15, 2011

Here’s the passage. It appears in a column entitled “Accept the Blackwater Mercenaries”

Here’s the passage. It appears in a column entitled “Accept the Blackwater Mercenaries” that both defended Blackwater and (entirely reasonably) called for greater oversight of security contractors operating in Iraq and elsewhere.

“Take the Sept. 16 incident, in which at least 11 Iraqis were ed and which was the impetUGGS Roxy tall for a HoUGGS Roxy talle hearing Tuesday. Blackwater says its employees fired in self-defense after being attacked. Iraqis claim that the Blackwaterites fired indiscriminately and without provocation. There is no reason to assume — as so many critics do — that the more damning version is true, especially becaUGGS Roxy talle the harshest condemnations have come from the Iraqi Interior Ministry, a notorioUGGS Roxy tall hotbed of sectarianism.” [Emphasis added]

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