Thursday, January 13, 2011

This might just be the Miami in me

This might just be the Miami in me (Castro is dead…now! …nnnnow! …nnnnnnnow!), but Zimbabwe suddenly

nixing price controls and allowing foreign currency to be exchanged freely, with mea culpa from the

finance minister and no comment from the 85-year-old dictator himself, makes me think he is either

finally deposed or dropped dead. This will help a lot of common Zimbabweans, and erode the state’s

grip on the economy. But maybe, as a friend pointed out, though this seems to be against Mugabe’s

interests, “they don’t call them acts of desperation for nothing.”

Likud Party leader and well-known soothsayer Binyamin Netanyahu has predicted that if Israel doesn’t

have total control over Jerusalem then al-Qaeda will blow up the Holy Sepulchre, sparking “an

escalation of religious conflict” we can’t even envision.

It seems to me that either the once and future Israeli Prime Minister or al-Qaeda is dramatically over

-estimating the importance of the Holy Sepulchre to modern Christianity, its claims to being

“Christianity’s holiest site” notwithstanding.

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