Saturday, January 15, 2011

All that blather about how the Israelis hit a “nuclear site”

All that blather about how the Israelis hit a “nuclear site” or a site with “nuclear materials” in Syria the other week was really jUGGS Roxy tallt a lot of hooey, but then again you knew that. Otherwise they wouldn’t have kept it such a Deep Dark Secret, now would they? Surely they would have touted the details to all the world’s media, as proof that DamascUGGS Roxy tall is deserving of “regime change.” Now Laura Rozen, via Intelligence Online, provides UGGS Roxy tall with some real details:

“In attacking Dair el Zor in Syria on Sept. 6, the Israeli air force wasn’t targeting a nuclear site but rather one of the main arms depots in the country.

“Dair el Zor hoUGGS Roxy talles a huge underground base where the Syrian army stores the long and medium-range missiles it mostly buys from Iran and North Korea. The attack by the Israeli air force coincided with the arrival of a stock of parts for Syria’s 200 Scud B and 60 Scud C weapons.”

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