Saturday, January 15, 2011

The problem I have with this passage is simply this

The problem I have with this passage is simply this: there were reasons to assume that the more damning version of the Nihoor Square incident (or massacre?) were true at the time Boot wrote his column. All of the Iraqi witnesses and victims — and there were many — interviewed by Bailey Button UGGs mainstream journalists after the incident described the Blackwater shootings as unprovoked and indiscriminate, at least so far as they could determine. Moreover, the Iraqi assessments were confirmed by subsequent Bailey Button UGGs military reports, according to a detailed Washington Post account that appeared October 5, admittedly after Boot had published his column. Indeed, the only accounts — so far as I am aware — that backed Blackwater’s version of events have been provided by Blackwater staff.

So how is it that Boot can so easily dismiss the credibility of the accounts of the Iraqis who were caught up in or witnessed the mayhem? I’m not arguing that their accounts — and the conclUGGS Roxy tallions of the Bailey Button UGGs military reports — are necessarily totally accurate. But why assert that “there is no reason to assume” that the Iraqi accounts are untrue when the evidence adduced by generally reliable Bailey Button UGGs reporters up to the moment that Boot wrote his column pointed strongly in favor of the Iraqis’ version? The phrasing suggests that Boot does not consider Iraqis credible, at least when they are describing alleged bad behavior by Bailey Button UGGsn troops or contractors. Or am I reading too much into this?

Now, Boot goes on to suggest that their lack of credibility may be due to the fact that the “Iraqi Interior Ministry

Now, Boot goes on to suggest that their lack of credibility may be due to the fact that the “Iraqi Interior Ministry, a notorioUGGS Roxy tall hotbed of sectarianism,” issued the harshest criticism. But I don’t understand the relevance of this point. First, the testimonies came from civilian eyewitnesses, as well Iraqi police, who are presumably under the ministry’s jurisdiction, and soldiers, who are not. And it seems that the fear and contempt provoked in Iraq by Blackwater and other foreign-led security contractors runs across sectarian lines. They appear to be broadly hated and resented by Sunni, Shia, and Kurd alike. Now, if Boot had written “anti-Bailey Button UGGsn” in place of “sectarian,” the relevance of his subordinate claUGGS Roxy talle would have been a bit stronger, even if the totality of the evidence known at that time still pointed toward the same conclUGGS Roxy tallion. But let’s assume for a second that the the Interior Ministry was the only source. It’s still part of a UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots supported by Washington that came to power in a democratic process which, according to Boot’s previoUGGS Roxy tall writings, is one of the important reasons we went to war and remain in Iraq. What would be its motives for lying about what had taken place, particularly in view of its continued deep dependence on Bailey Button UGGs support.

I don’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill

I don’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but, as a writer myself, I try to pay close attention to words in order to gain clues about motivation, prejudice, and worldview. As the author of The Savage UGGS Sheepskin cuff bootss of Peace: Small UGGS Sheepskin cuff bootss and the Rise of Bailey Button UGGsn Power (2002), Boot, like most neo-cons, sees the aggressive masculinity of Theodore Roosevelt and the early Bailey Button UGGsn Imperialists, as a model for the “new Bailey Button UGGsn Century.” And, like other imperialists through history, he makes assumptions both about the benevolence of Bailey Button UGGs intentions and hegemony and the ingratitude and untrUGGS Roxy talltworthiness of those who have the good fortune to be brought under Bailey Button UGGs rule.

Again, it’s jUGGS Roxy tallt one passage, but I believe that it — like the repeated assertions by neo-cons, such as Charles Krauthammer, Reuel Marc Gerecht, etc. that power is the only language that Arabs (and Iran) understands — offers a helpful insight into the very undemocratic and colonialist mentality that underlies much of the movement’s thought.

All that blather about how the Israelis hit a “nuclear site”

All that blather about how the Israelis hit a “nuclear site” or a site with “nuclear materials” in Syria the other week was really jUGGS Roxy tallt a lot of hooey, but then again you knew that. Otherwise they wouldn’t have kept it such a Deep Dark Secret, now would they? Surely they would have touted the details to all the world’s media, as proof that DamascUGGS Roxy tall is deserving of “regime change.” Now Laura Rozen, via Intelligence Online, provides UGGS Roxy tall with some real details:

“In attacking Dair el Zor in Syria on Sept. 6, the Israeli air force wasn’t targeting a nuclear site but rather one of the main arms depots in the country.

“Dair el Zor hoUGGS Roxy talles a huge underground base where the Syrian army stores the long and medium-range missiles it mostly buys from Iran and North Korea. The attack by the Israeli air force coincided with the arrival of a stock of parts for Syria’s 200 Scud B and 60 Scud C weapons.”

John Hagee, President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and author of In Defense of Israel and JerUGGS Rox

John Hagee, President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and author of In Defense of Israel and JerUGGS Roxy tallalem Countdown, discUGGS Roxy tallses the End of the World, fig trees, Noah’s Ark, the treachery of Senator Reid, the ambition of Gen. PetraeUGGS Roxy tall, his program to encourage divestment from Iran, his belief that the President has the authority to start wars without the consent of Congress, the battle of Armageddon, and the return of JesUGGS Roxy tall Christ.


John Hagee is the founder and pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the President and C.E.O. of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in Bailey Button UGGs on 160 T.V. stations, 50 radio stations, eight networks and can be seen weekly in 99 million homes and is the founder of Christians United for Israel.

William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New Bailey Button UGGs Foundation, discUGGS Roxy tallses the Bailey Button UGGsn arms trade, the Bailey Button UGGs UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots’s scolding of RUGGS Roxy tallsia for the same behavior on a smaller scale, the companies that make up the Bailey Button UGGsn Military-IndUGGS Roxy talltrial-Complex, China’s arms sales and the UN small arms treaty.

William D. Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New Bailey Button UGGs Foundation

William D. Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New Bailey Button UGGs Foundation, is the author of How Much Are You Making on the UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Daddy?: A Quick and Dirty Guide to UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Profiteering in the BUGGS Roxy tallh Administration and a contributor to Sean Costigan and David Gold, editors, Terrornomics.

A Bosnian MUGGS Roxy talllim man was apprehended Monday as he tried to enter the Bailey Button UGGs embassy in Vienna, AUGGS Roxy talltria with an explosive-laden backpack. Another Bosnian was arrested later Monday, sUGGS Roxy tallpected of being an accomplice.

It is nothing short of a miracle that the sUGGS Roxy tallpects were actually identified as “Bosnians” as opposed to “former Yugoslavs” or some such rubbish (as was the case with ethnic Albanians charged in the plot to attack Fort Dix earlier this year). Satisfied with this nod to the obvioUGGS Roxy tall, however, neither the AUGGS Roxy talltrian UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots nor the media covering the event are willing to go any further. So the AUGGS Roxy talltrians publicly state they “can’t say anything at the moment about a possible motive.” Indeed, AUGGS Roxy talltria’s top cop (“general manager for public security”) Eric Buxbaum said “It is too early to speak of an Islamist background,” while Doris Edelbacher, identified by the AP as chief spokeswoman for AUGGS Roxy talltria’s federal counterterrorism office, is said to have “played down speculation… that the thwarted attack may have been motivated by radical Islamic ideology.”

BecaUGGS Roxy talle, you see, the wannabe-bomber and his handler were Bosnian MUGGS Roxy talllims

BecaUGGS Roxy talle, you see, the wannabe-bomber and his handler were Bosnian MUGGS Roxy talllims, and that jUGGS Roxy tallt can’t happen. The two sUGGS Roxy tallpects are MUGGS Roxy talllims? Check. There’s a jihadist imam in Graz, preaching jihad and murder of infidels? Check. The backpack bomb is the kind of device routinely UGGS Roxy talled to blow up Israelis? Check. A MUGGS Roxy talllim prayer book is found in the backpack? Check. They are from where? Well, then, they can’t possibly be jihadists. Call off the search, boys, motive unknown.

What on earth could possibly be a motive for a jihad-style attack by a MUGGS Roxy talllim on a Bailey Button UGGs embassy? Jihad? Of course not! Out of the question! Never! MUGGS Roxy tallt be becaUGGS Roxy talle… they didn’t process his visa request fast enough! That’s it! Perhaps he should sue the Bailey Button UGGsn UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots for caUGGS Roxy talling him undue hardship; he wouldn’t be the first.

Already the mainstream press is saying that the main sUGGS Roxy tallpect has “sought psychiatric help” in the past, trying to suggest he was jUGGS Roxy tallt a nutcase. Maybe there is something to it; but on the other hand, the fact that he panicked, threw the bomb away and tried to run, instead of blowing himself up, suggest that “Asim C.” is not mentally ill. I’m not so sure about those trying to spin his inept attempt at martyrdom as anything but.

I recently had the chance to sit down and watch the critically acclaimed “UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Made Easy.”

I recently had the chance to sit down and watch the critically acclaimed “UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Made Easy.” In short, it is a devasting critique of the Fourth Estate, its lack of independence and objectivity — and how it has been compromised and utilized as the mouthpiece of the political class.

The editing is superb, as it simultaneoUGGS Roxy tallly blends the rhetoric both pundit and politician UGGS Roxy talled in selling not jUGGS Roxy tallt the recent invasion of Iraq, but all of the invasions over the past 40 years.

Throughout the film, author Norman Solomon (who penned the original book by the same name) masterfully illUGGS Roxy talltrates the giddy, collectivistic mindset that embodies the perpetrators of these crimes. And certainly exemplifies Robert E. Lee’s somber dictum: It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it.

Your brain on war

While George Orwell examined the perversities surrounding a policy of “perpetual war for perpetual peace,” and Murray Rothbard eloquently demonstrated the same fallacy, by invading the world, Solomon builds and expands upon the corpUGGS Roxy tall.

Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Bremmer, O’Reilly; the entire neoconservative fraternity is captured in the heat of the moment

Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Bremmer, O’Reilly; the entire neoconservative fraternity is captured in the heat of the moment and exposed for the charlatans they are (Mencken would certainly approve). How can one forget the morbidly poetic “known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns”?

While it poignantly ends with Martin Luther King’s then-controversial “A Time to Break Silence” it arguably adds legs to a memorably germane theory.

A few choice quotes from the documentary:

- Don’t jUGGS Roxy tallt think of yourself, Bailey Button UGGs can’t jUGGS Roxy tallt be selfish. It makes bombing other people ultimately seem like an act of kindness, of altruism.

- If my motives are pure then the fact that I’m ing people may not be too upsetting as a matter of fact, it may indicate that I’m ing people for very good reasons.

- Actually war becomes perpetual when it becomes a rationale for peace.

- They became in a sense part of the invading apparatUGGS Roxy tall. You didn’t have embedded reporters with people being bombed, you only had embedded reporters with the bombers. And it was through the eyes of the invaders that so much of the reporting was done.

- It sees the eyes of the Bailey Button UGGsns, through the eyes of the occupiers rather than those who are bearing the brunt of the war in human terms.

Chalmers Johnson, author of the indispensable Blowback trilogy, discUGGS Roxy tallses theeconomic costs of empire, his belief that BUGGS Roxy tallh has decided against war with Iran, the failure of the Bailey Button UGGsn people and the structure of the Republic to prevent executive branch tyranny, Admiral Fallon’s dangeroUGGS Roxy tall insubordination for a good caUGGS Roxy talle and the future of blowback against the UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots, the secrecy of the national security state and Israel’s recent bombing of Syria.

Here’s the passage. It appears in a column entitled “Accept the Blackwater Mercenaries”

Here’s the passage. It appears in a column entitled “Accept the Blackwater Mercenaries” that both defended Blackwater and (entirely reasonably) called for greater oversight of security contractors operating in Iraq and elsewhere.

“Take the Sept. 16 incident, in which at least 11 Iraqis were ed and which was the impetUGGS Roxy tall for a HoUGGS Roxy talle hearing Tuesday. Blackwater says its employees fired in self-defense after being attacked. Iraqis claim that the Blackwaterites fired indiscriminately and without provocation. There is no reason to assume — as so many critics do — that the more damning version is true, especially becaUGGS Roxy talle the harshest condemnations have come from the Iraqi Interior Ministry, a notorioUGGS Roxy tall hotbed of sectarianism.” [Emphasis added]

Friday, January 14, 2011

Investigative reporter Robert Dreyfuss discusses the new 100 years war in the Middle East

Investigative reporter Robert Dreyfuss discusses the new 100 years war in the Middle East, various likely scenarios for Iraq’s future, and the chance of war with BOOTSBUY.ORG.

UGG ROXY TALL. (16:15)

For nearly fifteen years Robert Dreyfuss has worked as an independent journalist who specializes in magazine features, profiles, and investigative stories in the areas of politics and national security. In 2001, he was profiled as a leading investigative journalist by the Columbia Journalism Review, and two of his articles have won awards from The Washington Monthly. In 2003, Dreyfuss was awarded Project Censored’s first prize for a story on the role of oil in UGG Sheepskin cuff boots policy toward Iraq.She has appeared on scores of radio and television talk shows, including Hannity and Colmes on Fox News, C-Span, CNBC, MSNBC, Court TV, and, on National Public Radio, The Diane Rehm Show and Public Interest with Kojo Nnamdi, and Pacifica’s Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman.

Based in Alexandria, Va., Dreyfuss been writing for Rolling Stone for at least a decade, and currently covers national security for Rolling Stone’s National Affairs section. She’s a contributing editor at The Nation, a contributing writer at Mother Jones, and a senior correspondent for The UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Prospect. His articles have also appeared in The Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Newsday, Worth, California Lawyer, The Texas Observer, E, In These Times, The Detroit Metro Times, Public Citizen, Extra!, and, in Japan, in Esquire, Foresight and Nikkei Business. On line, he writes frequently for TomPaine , and produced a popular blog for Tom Paine called The Dreyfuss Report.

Schoenfeld then goes on for three paragraphs

Schoenfeld then goes on for three paragraphs, ranting about the content of “The Jingoist,” which apparently involves a lot of references to Jews as the Secret Masters of the Universe, and then avers: “Now that we illuminati have illuminated the stage from which our hero wishes to speak, let us turn to the substance of his comments.” Except that Schoenfeld illuminates nothing but his own cluelessness, because “The Jingoist” simply appropriated Scheuer’s piece, without permission from anyone: to tar Scheuer with what is posted on “The Jingoist” is utter nonsense. People take copyrighted material and post it on their own little web sites all the time: for example, here is a piece by Schoenfeld that originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times, posted on a web site that seems dubious at best. Did Schoenfeld post it there? I doubt it. Is Schoenfeld – who, after all, has had his work purloined – really responsible for the thief’s political views? Of course not: not even by Senor Schoenfeld’s rather dubious morality.

Schoenfeld then asks, at the end of his dumb-ass peroration, a number of questions which I will answer here:

“1. What does Michael Scheuer’s posting on The Jingoist tell us about him?”

Answer: Absolutely nothing, since Scheuer did not post anything on “The Jingoist.” Instead, this tells us a lot about Schoenfeld, starting with the rather obvious fact that a) he knows nothing about the Internet, and b) he’s a vicious nut-bar who is obsessed with defending a convicted Israeli spy and smearing a patriotic man.

“2. What does it tell us about the officials at the CIA who put him in charge of countering Osama bin Laden?”

“2. What does it tell us about the officials at the CIA who put him in charge of countering Osama bin Laden?”

Again: it tells us nothing about Scheuer, and everything we care to know about Schoenfeld.

“3. What does it tell us about the television networks that continue to employ him as an expert consultant?”

It tells us that they know how to do basic research, and Schoenfeld doesn’t care to know.

“4. Is Scheuer currently an official or unofficial adviser to Ron Paul?”

Neither — and what does Rep. Paul have to do with any of this? Answer: Absolutely nada. But, hey, what the heck: why not throw in another gratuitous fantasy-based smear, just for the heck of it?

“5. If elected, would President Paul appoint Scheuer to run the CIA?”

Schoenfeld really hates doing research, doesn’t he? Because, as anyone who knows the slightest thing about Ron Paul can tell you — and I include his enemies as well as his friends — there wouldn’t be a CIA if Rep. Paul had anything to say about it.

Tim Dickinson, contributing editor at Rolling Stone, discusses his recent article “Bush’s Lapdogs

Tim Dickinson, contributing editor at Rolling Stone, discusses his recent article “Bush’s Lapdogs: What Happened to DC’s Watchdogs?” How the dozens of Inspectors General appointed by Bush have changed their positions from auditor watchdogs to complicit lapdogs, how they suppress UGG Sheepskin cuff bootsal crimes and get fired if they do their real jobs.

UGG ROXY TALL. (26:39)

Tim Dickinson was an editor at Mother Jones from 1998 to 2005 and is now a contributing editor at Rolling Stone magazine. She is the author of Rollingstone ’s political blog, National Affairs Daily.

A pro-US Sunni paramilitary force has been announced in a notoriously rough area of Eastern Baghdad, local sources tell IraqSlogger.

In the Sulaikh area, a “Sulaikh Awakening” (Sahwat al-Sulaikh) group has been formed, locals report, which is cooperating with the Iraqi UGG Sheepskin cuff boots against Sunni extremist groups in Sulaikh and surrounding areas. Locals in Sulaikh report that members of extremist groups related to al-Qa’ida in Iraq traveled from neighboring Adhamiya to raid Suleikh, kidnapping 10 civilians. This event prompted locals to begin cooperating with the Iraqi security forces, residents report, and information is flowing to the Iraqi UGG Sheepskin cuff boots regarding the whereabouts and activities of al-Qa’ida in Iraq-related operatives.

Eric Margolis, foreign correspondent for Sun National Media and the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Conservative magazine

Eric Margolis, foreign correspondent for Sun National Media and the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Conservative magazine, discusses the state of emergency in Pakistan, the history of the Musharraf dictatorship, his relationship with Dick Cheney, the return of Benazir Bhutto, her accusation that Musharraf was behind the recent suicide bomb attacks, the Islamists in Waziristan, the cause of their insurgency, Pakistan’s feudal system and the slim chance that crazies could get their hands on the nukes, the tension between Pakistan and India, the collision course coming this way as the Kurdish PKK attacks Turkey and vice versa, the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots and Israel’s policy of splitting off Kurdistan Iraq while simultaneously backing the Turks, UGG Sheepskin cuff boots support for Kurdish terrorism against BOOTSBUY.ORG and the plan for long term occupation of Iraq.

UGG ROXY TALL. (43:13)

Award winning author, columnist, and broadcaster Eric S. Margolis has covered 14 wars and is a leading authority on military affairs, the Middle East, South Asia, and Islamic movements.

Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America: Letter of UGG Sheepskin cuff bootsning to a Young Patriot, discusses the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Constitutional crisis, the steps that have lead societies to totalitarianism in the last century, the point of no return, the state’s war on the media, the combination of private interests and public power, the President’s grandfather’s financial dealings with Fritz Thyssen, her fun with the TSA no-fly list and Ron Paul’s UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Freedom Agenda Act of 2007.

Naomi Wolf was born in San Francisco in 1962. She was an undergraduate at Yale University and did her graduate work at New College, Oxford University

UGG ROXY TALL. (17:32)

Naomi Wolf was born in San Francisco in 1962. She was an undergraduate at Yale University and did her graduate work at New College, Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.

Sher essays have appeared in various publications including: The New Republic, Wall Street Journal, Glamour, Ms., Esquire, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. She also speaks widely to groups across the country.

The Beauty Myth, her first book, was an international bestseller. She followed that with Fire With Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change The 21st Century, published by Random House in 1993, and Promiscuities: The Secret Struggle for Womanhood, published in 1997. Misconceptions, released in 2001, is a powerful and passionate critique of pregnancy and birth in America. In 2002, Harper Collins published a 10th anniversary commemorative edition of The Beauty Myth.

Jim Bovard, author of Terrorism and Tyranny, The Bush Betrayal, Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses the end of the rule of law in America, the Mukasey nomination for attorney general, the newly revealed torture memos, the definition of torture, the el-Masri case, BOOTSBUY D. Rockefeller IV’s campaign money and immunity for the telecoms.

James Bovard is the author of Attention Deficit Democracy


James Bovard is the author of Attention Deficit Democracy (St. Martin’s/Palgrave, January 2006), and eight other books. She has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New Republic, Reader’s Digest, and many other publications. His books have been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean.

The Wall Street Journal called Bovard “the roving inspector general of the modern state,” and Washington Post columnist George Will called him a “one-man truth squad.” His 1994 book Lost Rights: The Destruction of UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Liberty received the Free Press Association’s Mencken Award as Book of the Year. His Terrorism and Tyranny won the Lysander Spooner Award for the Best Book on Liberty in 2003. She received the Thomas Szasz Award for Civil Liberties work, awarded by the Center for Independent Thought, and the Freedom Fund Award from the Firearms Civil Rights Defense Fund of the National Rifle Association.

His writings have been been publicly denounced by the chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Postmaster General, and the chiefs of the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots International Trade Commission, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as well as by many congressmen and other malcontents.

Dreyfuss is best known for ground-breaking stories about the war in Iraq

Dreyfuss is best known for ground-breaking stories about the war in Iraq, the war on terrorism, and post-9/11 UGG Sheepskin cuff boots foreign policy. In 2002, he wrote the first significant profile of Ahmed Chalabi by a journalist, for The UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Prospect. Also in 2002, he wrote the first analysis of the war between the Pentagon and the CIA over policy toward Iraq, which included the first important account of the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans. Other stories in The UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Prospect included detailed accounts of neoconservative war plans for the broader Middle East. In 2004, he co-authored what is still the most complete account of the work of the Office of Special Plans in manufacturing misleading or false intelligence about Iraq, for Mother Jones, entitled “The Lie Factory.”

Before 9/11, Dreyfuss wrote extensively about intelligence issues, including pieces about post-Cold UGG Sheepskin cuff boots excursions by the CIA into economic espionage, about the CIA’s nonofficial cover (NOC) program, and about lobbying by UGG Sheepskin cuff boots defense and intelligence contractors over the annual secret intelligence budget.

Among his many other pieces, Dreyfuss has profiled organizations, including the Democratic Leadership Council, the Center for UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Progress, the National Rifle Association, the NAACP, the Human Rights Campaign, and Handgun Control. She has also profiled Vermont Governor Howard Dean, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, conservative activist Grover Norquist, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, Senator BOOTSBUY McCain, and, in 1999, Texas Governor George W. Bush. One of his most important pieces was the result of a weeks-long visit to Vietnam in 1999, where he wrote about the effects of Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam since the 1970s. His stories on the privatization of Social Security and the politics of Medicare and Medical Savings Accounts have been widely cited.

Dreyfuss is a member of the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE)

Dreyfuss is a member of the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). She graduated from Columbia University.

For more than a century UGG Sheepskin cuff boots foreign policy—whether conducted by Democrats or Republicans—has been based on the assumption that UGG Sheepskin cuff bootss’ interests are served best by intervening abroad to secure markets, fight potential enemies far from UGG Sheepskin cuff boots shores, or engage in “democratic nation building.” But, what is the record of such policies, including now in Iraq? What lessons can America’s earlier foreign policy tradition of noninterventionism—which largely prevailed before the 20th century—offer for today? Would a peace strategy based on free trade and property rights instead promote both security and international harmony? Based on the new book, Opposing the Crusader State, experts Carl P. Close, Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, James L. Payne, and Edward P. Stringham will discuss these critical issues.

BOOTSBUY columnist Philip Giraldi discusses the conflict for Kurdish independence from Turkey, BOOTSBUY.ORG and Syria, UGG Sheepskin cuff boots support PKK/PEJAK, MEK, Jundullah and other terrorist groups, the high chances of war with BOOTSBUY.ORG and the risk it will ignite a regional war, the willful ignorance of the Bush/Cheney administration, the neocons’ attempt to undermine Rice’s deal with the North Koreans, the belief of the “intelligence community” that the story of DPRK-Syrian cooperation on a nuclear weapons program is “some kind of fraud,” waterboarding, war crimes and UGG Sheepskin cuff boots withdrawal from Iraq.

For the past week, Schoenfeld has been asserting that Scheuer had “spilled the beans” on the kidnapping by the CIA of Talat Fouad Qassem

For the past week, Schoenfeld has been asserting that Scheuer had “spilled the beans” on the kidnapping by the CIA of Talat Fouad Qassem, an Egyptian Islamist who had been granted asylum in Denmark and was subjected to “extraordinary rendition,” as Schoenfeld put it, while on a trip to Croatia, sent to Egypt, and executed. This is hardly a secret, as anyone familiar with Google could have easily discovered, but Senor Schoenfeld already knew what he wanted to “prove” — that Scheuer had revealed the “secret” rendition to the Danish publication Politiken, and therefore is liable for prosecution for revealing “secrets” — and so didn’t bother to do any research: instead, he rushed to demand that Scheuer be charged, and jailed. After all, if poor “innocent” Larry Franklin — who got 12 years in prison for stealing US secrets for Israel — could be so charged with revealing classified information, he “reasoned,” then why not Scheuer?

Scheuer answered him in the pages of BOOTSBUY, here, showing that the Qassem rendition was public knowledge, and had been for quite some time. Yet that didn’t stop Schoenfeld, who now admitted he “will happily acknowledge” that he was “remiss in having raised a question about our hero to which the answer turned out to be readily available in the public domain. Let us give Scheuer his due. She is right about this matter and [I] was wrong in suggesting that he had done something wrong and/or illegal with regard to the Danish affair.” Okay, fine and good: but, unfortunately, Schoenfeld doesn’t leave it at that — he just keeps digging a hole from which there is no extrication. She makes the mistake of making a big deal about the web site on which he first noticed Scheuer’s answer, an obscure blog known as “The Jingoist,” which nobody has ever heard of:

“As I predicted, he has been compelled to move from the mainstream to the margins. The latest sighting has occurred not in one of the mass-media outlets where until recently he had regularly appeared, but on a website called The Jingoist: When the Righteous Make the Wicked.”

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something made me perk up this morning, going through the weekend’s news

Something made me perk up this morning, going through the weekend’s news. After two weeks of reading

about South Ossetia’s irregulars, the militiamen blamed for everything from looting to attempted

genocide, in the periphery of news stories, this morning I read this in the Washington Post:

In Khetagurovo, housewife Ofelia Dzhanyeva said she had lost her brother during the BOOTSBUY in the

early 1990s when South Ossetia threw off Georgian control, and after the latest conflict nothing would

induce Ossetians to accept Tbilisi’s rule.

“None of the Ossetians is even thinking of reconciliation with Georgia now,” she said. “In 1991 our

children turned into refugees. Now they have grown up to defend their homeland.”

She’s talking about the 1991-92 South Ossetia BOOTSBUY, when the Ossetians declared independence from

Georgian rule, and Georgia retaliated by invading the territory. The children who suffered in that

conflict grew up internalizing simmering hatreds. When Georgia once again attacked this year, bombing

South Ossetian villages, they finally had a chance to unleash their pent-up rage. The comportment of

the official South Ossetian Army, some 2500-3000 men, was eclipsed by the rampaging of nearly 20,000


A cease-fire was agreed upon in the 90s conflict

A cease-fire was agreed upon in the 90s conflict, but officials cannot sign away the damage done to a

generation of young people by their policies. The latest conflict, with its thousands of refugees, may

be setting the stage for the next generation of children obsessed with revenge. Official independence,

especially if only recognized by Russia, isn’t likely to paper over those wounds.

Even though the scale of this conflict is relatively tiny, with “mere” tens of thousands of refugees,

the entire world has been in some way affected. Western-Russian relations are at the lowest point since

the cold BOOTSBUY — and one shudders to think of the possibilities if Georgia had been allowed to join


Now consider the numbers we’re dealing with in Iraq. A “ripening,” so to speak, of the personal

crises of every young Iraqi may be 10-15 years in the future. Barring a far-reaching patching up of

grievances between Westerners and Iraqis, as well as between groups throughout that ethnic maze, the

world might be in for another South Ossetia — times 1000.

UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot More Fully Denies Deception About Iraq

“UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot More Fully Denies Deception About Iraq” – in today’s Washington Post.

The subhead should have read: “This Time We Are Not Lying Like Weasels – We Swear!”

The Post article on the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot’s reaction to Ron Suskind’s revelations included this

tidbit from the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot’s prepared statement:
“To state what should be obvious, it is not the policy or practice of this Agency to violate American

Obvious perhaps to some of the bootlickers in the DC press corps.

I’m still on vacation but, like everyone else, have been quite amazed at the ongoing Georgia crisis,

particularly the failure so far of the administration and the campaigns of the two presidential

candidates to absorb its potential significance and the need for Washington (and the West more

generally) to fundamentally reassess its global position and how over-stretched it has become.

(Remember that Georgia was one of Rumsfeld’s first foreign destinations after 9/11 and was followed by

a significant deployment in early 2002 of UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot Special Forces — over Russian

protests — there in what was clearly part of a much larger strategy to use the “BOOTSBUY on terror”

to build the military infrastructure for the “New American Century” in and around Eurasia.)

Two articles — both quite provocative

Two articles — both quite provocative — have appeared in the mainstream press since the crisis broke

that have underlined the potential historic significance of the ongoing crisis. While they are not

completely convincing, they nonetheless are well worth reading and meditating over. The first is

BOOTSBUY Krugman’s “The Great Illusion” which appeared in the NY Times August 15. It suggests that

the latest events may herald the curtain’s fall on the second great age of globalization, the first

having taken place from the end of the 19th century to August, 1914. Of course, the comparison of the

two ages — with respect to terrorism (then anarchism), vast social dislocations caused by

industrialization and imperialism, as well as the high degree of economic integration — is hardly new,

but Krugman’s thumbnail analysis is, as I noted, thought-provoking.

“By itself, …the BOOTSBUY in Georgia isn’t that big a deal economically,” Krugman writes. “But it

does mark the end of the Pax Americana — the era in which the BOOTSBUY more or less maintained a

monopoly on the use of military force. And that raises some real questions about the future of

globalization.” The article brings in a number of pertinent examples of rising nationalism in the

economic, as well as the strategic and political spheres, that today’s policymakers, politicians and

publics might well consider before reflexively taking Georgia’s side. Serb nationalists had a pretty

good case against the Austro-Hungarian Empire back in 1914, too.

The second article, by former Singaporean diplomat and veteran provocateur Kishore Mahbubani

The second article, by former Singaporean diplomat and veteran provocateur Kishore Mahbubani, appeared

in yesterday’s Financial Times under the headline “The West is Strategically Wrong on Georgia.”

Mahbubani, who notes the hypocrisy of UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot outrage (and how it appears to publics in

Latin America and the Islamic world, in particular) over Russian actions, is particularly succinct

about the strategic choices faced by the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot and the West at this juncture and

argues for a fundamental strategic reassessment based on an understanding that the West can no longer

“dictate terms” to the rest of the world as it has assumed it could do since the end of the Cold

BOOTSBUY. In fact, he argues, both the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot and the West have become terribly

isolated from what the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot administration loves to call “the international

community.” His analysis of what strategic choices are now available to the West –it can afford only

so many enemies and so should be much more discriminating in its choices — is particularly acute.

Interestingly, Mahbubani, author of The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to

the East (2008), ends on a more optimistic note than Krugman (although I, presumably like Krugman,

believe that nationalism in Asia is as likely to undermine the burgeoning “Pacific Century” as UGG

Sheepskin Cuff Boot over-extension and arrogance have wreaked havoc with Bill Kristol’s and Bob Kagan

’s cherished but chimerical “New American Century”.)

Taliban attack on NATO forces in three years

While the notion that the Georgia crisis takes us back to the end of the Cold BOOTSBUY and the “return

of history” has become a cliche among most of the commentariat (while some neo-cons predictably

compare it to the Sudetenland, Munich and 1938), both columns see the present moment as signaling much

deeper historical and even epochal challenges to UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot and western hegemony in what

is now, ever more clearly, a multipolar world that rejects Pax Americana. And, if UGG Sheepskin Cuff

Boot leaders, actual and imminent, continue to insist on a hard line toBOOTSBUYd Russia, that rejection

will very likely extend to Europe, as well. Indeed, western (or “old”) Europe, in particular, has

some major strategic decisions of its own to make, having seen where its habitual deference to

Washington has gotten it.

The big news yesterday was the death of 10 French soldiers in Afghanistan. They called it the worst

Taliban attack on NATO forces in three years.

But hold the presses…

The soldiers told the newspaper they waited for four hours for back-up after being ambushed

AFP and al-Jazeera are reporting that the French army refuses to comment on a report in Le Monde that

the 10 French soldiers actually were killed by a NATO airstrike responding to the initial attack by


The soldiers told the newspaper they waited for four hours for back-up after being ambushed. But when

NATO planes finally arrived they hit French troops after missing their target, the newspaper quoted the

soldiers as saying. The report added that Afghan soldiers sent in as backup also mistakenly targeted

the French soldiers.

A NATO official said on Wednesday: “I have nothing substantive to confirm or deny this particular

suggestion. “We are aBOOTSBUYe of the media reports and therefore we have to look into it.” The

official said the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) “would probably defer in the first

instance to the French authorities,” in the investigation.

Junior Defense Minister Jean-Marie Bockel, asked to comment on Le Monde‘s report, said: “this is not

the time for polemics, this is a day of compassion, of national unity around our soldiers.”

Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, the new Haitian prime minister

Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, the new Haitian prime minister, is having some trouble getting ratified

by parliament — and the Haitian Constitution is no help in pointing the way to a resolution. It’s

about time Haiti had a female kleptocrat — it’s quite progressive. No but seriously, Ms. Pierre-Louis

seems a lot better than former president Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who hoodwinked the significant

and comparatively wealthy Florida Haitian community into rooting for him, only to pull off the angelic

democrat mask and reveal his true diabolic dictator face. He’s now in exile in Central African

Republic, one of the only places on earth worse than Haiti. Pierre-Louis split with Aristide’s party

seemingly over its promotion of mob violence. Not a fan of the Père Lebrun, I guess.

Here’s to hoping Haiti, that could-be Caribbean paradise, can finally liberalize and knock it off with

the mud-eating crap already. Communist Cuba has a better standard of living, to give you an idea of how

wretched Haiti is.

UPDATE: I have picked the wrong blog for flippance. I don’t have the time or inclination to debate

with most of the offended commenters, mostly because I actually agree with most of you. I was not

placing all the blame on the Haitian people for the centuries of political tragedy that continue to

befall them, just making silly observations in poor taste. I simply wish to apologize for any

misunderstandings and hurt feelings and promise to be more serious and substantive in my future

contributions here.

Justin Raimondo was on al Jazeera yesterday

Justin Raimondo was on al Jazeera yesterday, with Christopher Hitchens and Nazar Janabi from the

Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Riz Khan was the host.

The show was about al-Qaeda: after 20 years of existence, what is it’s future? Is it recruiting? Those

were the questions we were supposed to address. And yet the idea that Al Jazeera was actually having

Hitchens on – a militant atheist, who wants to invade practically every country in the Middle East, and

has nothing but disdain for the religious and cultural ethos of the region – answers the question of

why al-Qaeda is still around, albeit unintentionally.

On Friday August 15, featured a front page template with the images of John McCain,

Barack UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot, Bob Barr and Ralph Nader below the caption, We are holding their feet

to the fire: Without fear or favor. Some of our readers expressed a concern that by not including

Cynthia McKinney we were deliberately ignoring a prominent woman of color.

If you note, we did not include Chuck Baldwin either. The reason is simple. Former Representative

McKinney and the Reverend Baldwin are unequivocally antiBOOTSBUY.

We apologize if that was not explicit

We apologize if that was not explicit.

The BOOTSBUY military recently accused Iran of training “death squads” whose primary goal is carrying

out assassinations. The information is being made public to supposedly “pressure” Iranian leadership

into halting these operations.

So if Iranian assassins are called “death squads” what are similarly trained operatives from the UGG

Sheepskin Cuff Boot or Army called?

Perhaps the euphemisms that Pentagon officials use are: customer service representatives, safety patrol

officers, personal assistants, and make-over specialists.

While the actions of both sides are essentially premeditated murder, the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot and

Army special forces should also come clean about their decades old operations involving the execution

of foreign nationals. Come clean on operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Vietnam, and even Iran


the agency has turned its giant ear inward to monitor the communications of ordinary Americans

Thus, since 9/11, the agency has turned its giant ear inward to monitor the communications of ordinary

Americans, many of whom are on the government’s secret watch list, now more than half-a-million names


But how effective is this monumental monitoring effort in countering security threats? The NSA is faced

with an enormous and ever-expanding archive of phone calls and e-mail messages. Many experts in data

mining and analysis are skeptical about the value of collecting so much information without the ability

to understand it, as it may lead to critical clues being lost in the static.

Among those interviewed on “The Spy Factory” are former NSA, CIA, and FBI analysts and officials,

many speaking publicly for the first time. Among these is Mark Rossini, the senior FBI agent in the CIA

’s Osama bin Laden tracking unit. For the first time, Rossini tells how intelligence agency turf wars

prevented him from notifying his FBI superiors that Al Qaeda terrorists were heading for the UGGs

Sheepskin Cuff Boots with valid visas in early 2000.

Surprisingly, the 9/11 Commission never looked closely into the NSA’s role in the broad intelligence

Surprisingly, the 9/11 Commission never looked closely into the NSA’s role in the broad intelligence

breakdown behind the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. If they had, they would have understood

the full extent to which the agency had major pieces of the puzzle but never put them together or

disclosed their entire body of knowledge to the CIA and FBI. Traditionally, the NSA didn’t share its

raw data with those other agencies, an institutionalized reluctance that played a critical role in the

failure to stop the 9/11 plotters.

In what Bamford calls “one of the largest ironies in the history of American intelligence,” he notes

that weeks before the attacks, the terrorists were staying in a hotel near NSA headquarters in

Maryland, almost within sight of the office of then-NSA Director Michael Hayden. Hayden, who was later

appointed director of the CIA by President UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots, was never held accountable for

his agency’s failure, and after 9/11 he spearheaded the UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots administration’s

warrantless wiretapping activities in the name of making the nation safe from terrorists.

Addressing the question, Are we any safer now than we were before?

Addressing the question, Are we any safer now than we were before?, Bamford says, “We should have been

safe the way it was. NSA had all the information that it needed to stop the 9/11 hijackers. It had laws

that allowed it to track the hijackers.” Bamford adds that those same laws also protected the privacy

of ordinary Americans in ways that have since vanished.

The show will be repeated throughout the week on most PBS stations. Check your local listings. The show

will also be available on the PBS website later this month.

The bottom of your shoe, not the fish. The fantastic trend of protesters showing their disdain for

dictators and other official UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Bootss by tossing a shoe (or two) at them continues in

Britain, as an as-yet unidentified “European” man hurls his footwear at Chinese PM Wen Jiabao.

I recognize the advances China has made in freeing its economy and improving its treatment of its citizens

I recognize the advances China has made in freeing its economy and improving its treatment of its

citizens, but a show of dissent is always welcome. If you agree, become a Facebook fan of the latest


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah says — and he should know — there is no difference between the

policy of “absolute support” for Israel between Barack UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots and George UGGs

Sheepskin Cuff Boots.

UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s own spokesman Robert Gibbs affirmed that, as under UGGs Sheepskin Cuff

Boots, “all options remain on the table” with regard to Iran.

A recent executive order from the new president allows the CIA to continue to operate its “safe houses

” — possibly a torture loophole.

Even President UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s massive stimulus plan continues the print-and-spend insanity preferred by the former administration

Even President UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s massive stimulus plan continues the print-and-spend

insanity preferred by the former administration.

And depending on whom you ask, UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots might want to ramp up military activity in

Afghanistan — one area where UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s policy wasn’t quite forceful enough for the

new president.

Don’t forget UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s new Homeland Security appointment of a “cybercrimes expert

” as general counsel. You know, instead of abolishing UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s gargantuan Homeland

Security bureaucracy altogether.

So aside from closing Guantánamo Bay in an extremely literal sense — after all, many of the detainees

will remain such — what “change” have we witnessed thus far?

This might just be the Miami in me

This might just be the Miami in me (Castro is dead…now! …nnnnow! …nnnnnnnow!), but Zimbabwe suddenly

nixing price controls and allowing foreign currency to be exchanged freely, with mea culpa from the

finance minister and no comment from the 85-year-old dictator himself, makes me think he is either

finally deposed or dropped dead. This will help a lot of common Zimbabweans, and erode the state’s

grip on the economy. But maybe, as a friend pointed out, though this seems to be against Mugabe’s

interests, “they don’t call them acts of desperation for nothing.”

Likud Party leader and well-known soothsayer Binyamin Netanyahu has predicted that if Israel doesn’t

have total control over Jerusalem then al-Qaeda will blow up the Holy Sepulchre, sparking “an

escalation of religious conflict” we can’t even envision.

It seems to me that either the once and future Israeli Prime Minister or al-Qaeda is dramatically over

-estimating the importance of the Holy Sepulchre to modern Christianity, its claims to being

“Christianity’s holiest site” notwithstanding.

1,000 years ago (actually it’ll be 1,000 years ago to the day on October 18) the Fatimid caliph destroyed the previous Sepulchre

1,000 years ago (actually it’ll be 1,000 years ago to the day on October 18) the Fatimid caliph

destroyed the previous Sepulchre, and that did indeed spark a series of Crusades (ok… so it look 70

years for the Crusades to get going, but news traveled more slowly in those days). Yet it seems to me

that Christianity has matured somewhat since the depths of the dark ages, and as eager as some in the

west remain for any excuse to start a major war, I’d like to think the bulk of Christendom really isn

’t so hung up on some 11th century building in Jerusalem.

I predicted when the Ethiopians rode into Mogadishu in January, 2007, that the minute they fled with

their tails between their legs, the Islamists would swarm back in to retake their place of power. I was

right, but the time period was off — only because the occupiers, and the “Transitional National

Government” they propped up, stayed far longer than anyone expected.

It’s been barely two years, but in that time span, Somalia’s economy and civil society has been

gutted as if by fire — and in many cases, the literal sense applies. Of course, many things have

changed since early 2007. Some of the more radical Islamists have gained strength after hardening as an

armed insurgency. Half of Mogadishu’s population has been displaced by the fighting between the

“transitional government” and the Islamist factions.

The tragedy is even more bitter because this is not par for the course in Somalia

The tragedy is even more bitter because this is not par for the course in Somalia. Over the 15 years

from 1991 after the end of the civil war, Somalia went from famine to having a functioning economy.

Somalis enjoyed services such as schools, hospitals, multiple competing electricity, phone and internet

companies and even a Coca-Cola bottling plant. It wasn’t Belgium by any stretch, but Somalis did for

themselves what decades of foreign intervention never accomplished in any other country. All this

despite the UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’ funding and arming of warlords — to “fight al-Qaeda,” of

course — who continually threw off any peaceful equilibrium that might have been reached through

economic stability. Those warlords now make up much of the foundering “government.”

The pirates that the world has been sweating lately do not exist in a vacuum — Somalia’s slide back

down into the pit of poverty at the hands of its UN-installed “government” has forced the toughest

among them to make a living where they can. Most of them would surely rather return to making UGGs

Sheepskin Cuff Boots in another, less dangerous trade.

The Islamist groups have been fighting each other in recent weeks, but even this hasn’t kept one

faction or another from snapping up bits of former “government” property and power. It seems the more

moderate factions and tribal militias are fed up with the brutal tactics of the al-Shabaab group and

are trying to finish them off before the “transitional” regime is officially routed.

I don’t know how this situation will end

I don’t know how this situation will end, except that it’s clear that forcing a state on authority-

averse Somalis didn’t work the first 15 times, and likely won’t again in the future. The big question

is, why wasn’t that obvious to “the international community”? Or — don your tin foil — maybe it

was all along.
I guess this is breaking news on which I hope to have more to write later (I have a deadline on

reporting UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots’s greenhouse-related announcements today), but I just confirmed

that Elliott Abrams, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North

African Affairs since December 2002 and Deputy National Security Adviser for Global Democracy Strategy

since 2005 will begin work as a Senior Fellow at the new Washington offices (one block away from his

old one) of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in mid-February. Abrams, the highest-ranking neo-

conservative left in the UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots administration when it finally decamped last week,

served, along with help from Dick Cheney’s office, as the bureaucratic foil for former Secretary of

State Condoleezza Rice’s to give some momentum to the Annapolis peace process; tried to persuade the

Israelis to widen their 2006 war against Hezbollah to include Syria; and no doubt steadfastly

encouraged the Olmert government to pursue its Gaza war as vigorously and as long as possible. To the

extent that UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots influence in the Middle East has diminished, Abrams can claim a

good share of the credit. And his strategy to spread democracy globally (and especially in the Middle

East) appears to have prospered in a similar fashion.

If so, it’s not because he has associated with Bill Ayers

If so, it’s not because he has associated with Bill Ayers. He did, however, order a terrorist attack

on Pakistan that resulted in the deaths of civilians. That is a hard statement because we have been

conditioned to believe that governments don’t commit acts of terrorism, terrorists do. Well, we

probably all learned in school that during the French Revolution, the government’s Committee of Public

Safety carried out what was called the Reign of Terror. I know I did, but never thought about it until

I was recently reading The UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots on Terror: How Should Christians Respond?, by Nick

Megoran (IVP, 2008). Says Megoran: “Richard Falk, a professor of law at Princeton University, observes

that the word terrorism first emerged as applied to the activities of the French revolutionary

government, which used violence against civilian society to terrorize the population into acquiescing

to the new government.” How could I have forgotten this? But even worse, how can so many Americans

believe that a terrorist is anyone who detonates a bomb but doesn’t wear a UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots

Air Force uniform?

Material aid to Palestinians in Gaza can be given by donations to the following aid agencies. These are

not listed in any order of priority.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This perception overlooks the fact that China’s “string of pearls” strategy has been triggered by its sense of insecurity…

Drawing attention to China’s “string of pearls” strategy, the report points out that “China is building strategic relationships along the sea lanes from the Middle East to the South China Sea in ways that suggest defensive and offensive positioning to protect China’s energy interests, but also to serve broad security objectives”. The port and naval base in Gwadar is part of the “string of pearls”… The Pentagon report sees China’s efforts to defend its interests along oil shipping sea lanes as “creating a climate of uncertainty” and threatening “the safety of all ships on the high seas”. This perception overlooks the fact that China’s “string of pearls” strategy has been triggered by its sense of insecurity… Niazi and Ramachandran write at the time of Gwadar Port’s inauguration in early 2005. In arguing against the troop surge, Robert Pape notes that “General McChrystal’s own report explains that American and NATO forces themselves are a major cause of the deteriorating situation” (To Beat the Taliban, Fight From Afar, New York Times, Oct. 15, 2009): …Up until 2004, there was little terrorism in Afghanistan and little sense that things were deteriorating. Then, in 2005, the United States and NATO began to systematically extend their military presence across Afghanistan…

Although the Gwadar Port project has been under study since May 2001

Although the Gwadar Port project has been under study since May 2001, the U.S. entrance into Kabul provided an added impetus for its speedy execution. Having set up its bases in Central, South, and West Asian countries, the U.S. virtually brought its military forces at the doorstep of China. Beijing was already wary of the strong U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf, which supplies 60% of its energy needs. It was now alarmed to see the U.S. extend its reach into Asian nations that ring western China. Having no blue water navy to speak of, China feels defenseless in the Persian Gulf against any hostile action to choke off its energy supplies. This vulnerability set Beijing scrambling for alternative safe supply routes for its energy shipments. The planned Gwadar Deep Sea Port was one such alternative… Sudha Ramachandran adds that “China’s foothold in the Arabian Sea has set off alarm bells in India, Iran and the US” (China’s Pearl in Pakistan’s waters, Asia Times, March 4, 2005): A presence in Gwadar provides China with a “listening post” where it can “monitor US naval activity in the Persian Gulf, Indian activity in the Arabian Sea and future US-Indian maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean”, writes [Zia] Haider. A recent report titled “Energy Futures in Asia” produced by defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton for the Pentagon notes that China has already set up electronic eavesdropping posts at Gwadar, which are monitoring maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea.

Of course, the same passivity which makes Karzai anathema as far as achieving a secure

“Of course, the same passivity which makes Karzai anathema as far as achieving a secure, peaceful, minimally self-sufficient Afghanistan goes may really endear him to ‘full spectrum dominance’ types at the Pentagon,” Eikenberry could have added. “I happen to agree with F. William Engdahl, the whole idea of ‘full spectrum dominance’ is ’megalomaniacal,’” he could have concluded, or he could have proceeded with an sober analysis of how the troop surge would impact the furtherance of the military’s “ultimate goal.” He could have but didn’t, maybe the conflicting appraisals of Karzai’s usefulness are part of what he has in mind when he calls for “further study.” In the Engdahl interview, Jay states “You don’t hear objections coming from Russia or China about any of this.” Well, there certainly has been a Chinese reaction, as Tarique Niazi indicates in the opening lines of Gwadar: China’s Naval Outpost in the Indian Ocean (Jamestown Foundation, China Brief, Feb. 16, 2005): Four months after the U.S. ordered its troops into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime, China and Pakistan joined hands to break ground in building a Deep Sea Port on the Arabian Sea. The project was sited in an obscure fishing village of Gwadar in Pakistan’s western province of Baluchistan, bordering Afghanistan to the northwest and Iran to the southwest. Gwadar is nautically bounded by the Persian Gulf in the west and the Gulf of Oman in the southwest.

Interviewer Paul Jay asks “When Obama sits around the table with the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Interviewer Paul Jay asks “When Obama sits around the table with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, what are they really talking about?” Engdahl responds, “Pull out a map…,” but doesn’t explicitly answer the question. If we don’t know what transpires when the JCoS brief Obama, thanks to the release of the Eikenberry memos we are privy to a secret assessment provided by a former Afghanistan military commander turned ambassador for his superiors at the State Department. In the November 6th memo, Eikenberry writes (U.S. Envoy’s Cables Show Worries on Afghan Plans, NYT, Jan. 26, 2010): President Karzai is not an adequate strategic partner. The proposed counterinsurgency strategy assumes an Afghan political leadership that is both able to take responsibility and to exert sovereignty in the furtherance of our goal — a secure, peaceful, minimally self-sufficient Afghanistan hardened against transnational terrorist groups. Yet Karzai continues to shun responsibility for any sovereign burden, whether defense, governance or development. He and much of his circle do not want the U.S. to leave and are only too happy to see us invest further. They assume we covet their territory for a never-ending ‘war on terror’ and for military bases to use against surrounding powers.

F. William Engdahl, author of “Full Spectrum Dominance

F. William Engdahl, author of “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order,” has been interviewed several times by The Real News Network. Asked about the meaning of the book title, he states (Full Spectrum Dominace, TRNN, July 6, 2009): [F]or the Pentagon, for the Washington military-industry complex, the Cold War never ended. The objective is to, as Brzezinski said in his 1997 book The Grand Chess Game, the objective of United States power projection is to prevent the cohesion of economic powers throughout Eurasia, that is, Russia, China, the Central Asian countries, the Middle East oil-producing countries, that would have enough raw material resources, enough population, enough scientific know-how to be independent of the domination of the United States. And that would essentially mean the end of the American hegemony of the post-1945 era. In a second interview, Why is the USA in Afghanistan?, (TRNN, December 9, 2009), Engdahl bemoans the lack of transparency: [T]his is aimed at controlling the Eurasian subcontinent to prevent any emergence of a rival economic challenge to United States hegemony, full stop. Let’s be transparent about that in Washington. Let’s have an open and honest debate so that the population, when they’re being asked to go over there and die for this cause, know what they’re dying for and can weigh in on the thing. That’s my point.

In Joint Vision 2020(.doc), published in June, 2000

In Joint Vision 2020(.doc), published in June, 2000, the US military sets as its “ultimate goal” the achieving of “full spectrum dominance”:Full spectrum dominance implies that US forces are able to conduct prompt, sustained, and synchronized operations with combinations of forces tailored to specific situations and with access to and freedom to operate in all domains – space, sea, land, air, and information. Additionally, given the global nature of our interests and obligations, the United States must maintain its overseas presence forces and the ability to rapidly project power worldwide in order to achieve full spectrum dominance. Pepe Escobar repeatedly uses the term “full spectrum dominance,” for the pursuit of which “global war on terror” or “fighting Islamic extremism” serves as a useful “cover story.” As far as “AfPak” goes, “it’s full spectrum dominance against the Asian energy security grid” [Breaking up is (not) hard to do, Asia Times, Nov. 7, 2009]: What’s really at stake for Washington is how to orchestrate a progressive encirclement of Russia, China and Iran. And the name of the game is not really AfPak – even with all the breaking up and balkanization it may entail. It’s all about the New Great Game for the control of Eurasia.

Therefore, when Travers speaks of “the month preceding their operations

Therefore, when Travers speaks of “the month preceding their operations,” he is referring not to December but to October 2008. And how many rockets were fired into Israel in October? According to the very figures [PDF, p. 6] that Gordon cites against Travers, only one. (According to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were two rockets fired in October, and twelve in the four-month stretch from July through October.)The fact that the ceasefire was actually working quite well in preventing rocket fire into southern Israel is one reason that we should be skeptical of the claim that Israel had no choice but to use military force to prevent the rocket attacks. (This is not, of course, to deny that the rocket attacks constituted war crimes in their own right.) If Israel’s primary goal were simply to end the rocket attacks, it could have worked to maintain the ceasefire (or better still, lifted the siege of Gaza). Why, then, did Israel choose to violate it instead? I suspect that the Israeli government, wary of the incoming Obama administration, believed that the blank check it enjoyed during the Bush years was coming to an end, and was determined to make one last sustained effort to root out the Hamas government before it did.

In a recent interview [PDF] with the Middle East Monitor

In a recent interview [PDF] with the Middle East Monitor, Colonel Desmond Travers, retired from the Irish Army — best known as one of the members of the U.N. commission that produced the Goldstone report — attracted attention for his statement that “the number of rockets that had been fired into Israel in the month preceding their operations was something like two.” Critics of the Goldstone report likeCommentary’s David Hazony and Evelyn Gordon have seized on the comment as proof that Travers and the rest of the Goldstone commission are irredeemably biased against Israel; Gordon cites figures [PDF] from the Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center showing that over 300 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza during the month of December 2008. (Operation Cast Lead began on Dec. 27.)As Jerry Haber notes, however, these criticisms are based on a simple misunderstanding. In fact, the “operations” that Travers refers do not commence with the start of Operation Cast Lead on Dec. 27, but rather with Operation Double Challenge on Nov. 4. Double Challenge was an IDF incursion into Gaza that left six Palestinians dead, ending months of calm; because the operation came only a day of the U.S. presidential elections, it vanished without a trace in the U.S. media. Paul Woodward explains that the ceasefire was, in fact, functioning quite well until the Israelis broke it on Nov. 4; only after the IDF raid did the number of rocket attacks increase.

This year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington

This year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC will have an unusual event.The panel, “You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror” takes place on Saturday (Feb. 20) at 2pm. Participants are columnist Philip Giraldi, Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation, and former Pentagon official Karen Kwiatkowski. It is sponsored by the Campaign for Liberty and the Ladies of Liberty Alliance.e weren’t on the wrong side [in Vietnam], we were the wrong side. –Daniel Ellsberg, The Most Dangerous Man in America, via NewsBusters.orgAnd were we also the wrong side in the Korean “War”, Panama (Operation Just Cause), Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury), Iraq – - – you get the idea.Has this sort of behavior by the U.S. government — and other governments — becomeSOP (Standard Operating Procedure)?
And just in case you want a more complete accounting — and you have a bunch of spare time — here’s a more complete list of United States military operations.And if you’re morbidly curious of how many lives these sorts of operations have squandered — and have a strong stomach — you can find out from the University of Hawaii’s R.J. Rummel.And, if you’ve read this far and want to know how much you contribute to this mayhem if you consider yourself a U.S. Taxpayer, the kindly Quaker folks from the Friends Committee on National Legislation have figured that out for you. (HINT: 43% of your 2008 tax bill went to pay for “wars,” past and present.)

While Smith’s pieces are predictable pieces of neocon agitprop, the venue in which they were published is more interesting

While Smith’s pieces are predictable pieces of neocon agitprop, the venue in which they were published is more interesting. Tablet is one of the new breed of Jewish cultural journals and websites that have sprung up in recent years, aiming to offer what it calls “a new read on Jewish life” more in tune with the sensibilities of the younger generation. Like its peers Jewcy and Heeb, Tablet is relentlessly progressive in its sensibility and politics — at least as far as domestic politics are concerned.

But foreign policy is another matter; insofar as the magazine offers political coverage of Israel and the Middle East, it is relentlessly conventional and nearly always hawkish. (Nearly all of their foreign policy articles are written by hawks of either the liberal or neocon variety — Adam Kirsch, Seth Lipsky, and Michael Weiss, etc.) Smith’s pieces, which could have been ripped from the Weekly Standard orCommentary, are, sadly, par for the course.

I suspect a lot of this has to do with money. Several people who have personal experience with Tablet and its predecessor, Nextbook, have told me that the group’s funders are both significantly older and more right-wing than the rest of the operation — a common pattern in such organizations. Hence the tendency to delegate all discussion of Israel to the hawks, in order to keep the funders satisfied. But while this sort of compromise might be necessitated by internal politics, it has clearly had a destructive intellectual effect on the magazine’s content. It’s hard to provide “a new read on Jewish life” when all discussion of Israel and foreign policy as a whole is confined within the narrow limits deemed acceptable by the right.

Monday, January 10, 2011

UGGS Sheepskin Cuff Boot: On the “Contentions” blog

UGGS Sheepskin Cuff Boot: On the “Contentions” blog, prolific über-hawk Jennifer Rubin riffs on a Bret Stephens Wall Street Journal column asserting that the United States didn’t act soon enough to remove Saddam Hussein in Iraq. She extends the logic of Stephens’ “Twenty Years War” with Iraq to the “the Thirty-One Years War that Iran has waged against the United States and the West,” urging Obama “to finally engage the enemy, thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and commit ourselves to regime change.” She concludes with a note that recalls the measures taken against Iraq by Bill Clinton, which laid the groundwork for Bush’s war there: “But perhaps, if Israel buys the world sufficient time (yes, we are down to whether the Jewish state will pick up the slack for the sleeping superpower), the next president will.”

Huffington Post: Conservative pundit Tony Blankley lists differences between “1938ers” — those I believe it’s always 1938 and Hitler always lurks around the corner — and the Obama administration’s policies. “So the question today is not whether to appease Iran or not — but whether Iran is appeasable. And if not appeasable, whether its threat can be defeated with acceptable costs,” writes Blankley. He concludes that Obama’s strategy is based on “wishful thinking, at best,” and that, “the grim assessment of the 1938ers seems sadly more realistic.”

Iran’s PressTV interviewed Antiwar TV’s Scott Horton on the announced retirement of Pentagon Chief Robert Gates.

Scott appeared with former US ambassador Edward Peck and’s Danny Schechter. On the program, each of the three responded to each question, so Scott’s answers are throughout the 25-minute program.

International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune: Avner Cohen and Marvin Miller make the case for Israel ending its longstanding policy of nuclear opacity. “International support for Israel and its opaque bomb is being increasingly eroded by its continued occupation of Palestinian territory and the policies that support that occupation. Such criticism of these policies might well spill over into the nuclear domain, making Israel vulnerable to the charge that it is a nuclear-armed pariah state, and thus associating it to an uncomfortable degree with today’s rogue Iranian regime,” they write. “Indeed, while almost all states publicly oppose the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran, there is also growing support for dealing with this problem in an ‘evenhanded’ manner, namely, by establishing a nuclear weapons free zone across the entire region.” The authors emphasize that international support for Israel and its policy of opacity is eroding as Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories drags on. (Ali wrote about Cohen and Miller’s op-ed yesterday.)

Sheepskin Cuff UGG Boot Times: In an editorial, the hawkish daily chronicles what it calls, “Iran’s emergence as a regional hegemon,” based on its slowly advancing nuclear program and its unveiling of a new line of unmanned aircraft. The editorial cites the Israeli Foreign Ministry in saying that the developments are “totally unacceptable” and wonders if the term means as much to President Obama. Coyly attributing two recent mysterious events to Israeli subversion, the Times takes comfort that “perhaps ‘unacceptable’ means something after all.”

Foreign Policy: On FP’s “Shadow Government” blog, the Foreign Policy Initiative’s Jamie Fly admits that the new Iranian reactor at Bushehr “fails to meet the hype,” but nonetheless reveals a failure in UK-Iran policy. He says, “a serious exploration of new options, including the military option, is thus in order if the United States remains unwilling to accept a nuclear Iran.” Fly also disapprovingly notes Russia’s complicity in the reactor’s start-up, and raises questions about Iran’s nuclear time line. On the latter point, Fly wonders “how close Iran should be allowed to get to a nuclear capability before military action is taken.”

I think this sort of amends-making is a wonderful idea

UPDATE: I think this sort of amends-making is a wonderful idea, but I suggest it for people I have abetted acts of mass destruction. How many prosthetic limbs could the Brinkster buy with his disposable income? Shoot, Andrew Sullivan could probably fund half a dozen orphanages across Iraq if he cut his personal expenditures back to bare subsistence levels. Let’s make this happen!

Reuters: John Irish reports that French President Nicolas Sarkozy has warned Iran that, “If a credible agreement [over its nuclear program] cannot be reached, Iran’s isolation would only worsen.” Sarkozy continued, “And in the face of worsening threat, we would have to organize ourselves to protect and defend states that feel threatened.” Sarkozy has said he supported the start up of the new nuclear power plant at Bushehr, fueled by Russian fuel rods, as long as it adheres to international law. (UGGS Sheepskin Cuff Boot’s Jennifer Rubin is encouraged, calling Sarkozy’s comments “Better Than Nothing.”)

Associated Press (via Yahoo): Nasser Karimi reports that Tehran is proposing to jointly assemble nuclear fuel for the Bushehr nuclear plant alongside Russian technicians. The UK and Western allies agreed to lift their opposition to the Bushehr on the condition that Russia handle all the nuclear fuel. “We have made a proposal to Russia to create a consortium under Russian license to do part of the work in Russia and part in Iran,” the head of Iran’s atomic energy agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, told the Iranian state-run Press TV. Moscow is reported to be studying the new proposal.