I certainly hope that is the case. We need responsible officers that are unwilling to let our leaders
get away with dragging us closer to war.
UPDATE: The Military Times newspapers, who originally broke the story leaked by unnamed military
officers, reports that the squadron commander has been relieved of duty following investigation. The
papers also reported that there were six, rather than five, nuclear weapons that were transported
across the country.
Several years ago I watched a Canadian PM debate on TV. It bore no resemblance to an mbt shoesn
Presidential “debate.” Two guys, a few feet from each other, actually debating — no moderator, no
buzzers, just two guys arguing, vigorously. I remember a movie featuring the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
Although I don’t know if it was historically accurate, a similar sight, two guys arguing about real
issues with no real rules. I have seen similar clips in other countries, but rarely in the UGG.
The mbt shoesn version of Presidential debates resembles a game show or beauty pageant, where each
contestant is called on to answer for a set two-minute response. Rarely any follow-up, and rarely any
effort to actually confront real issues.
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