Monday, February 28, 2011

The anniversary last month of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan once again raised the question

The anniversary last month of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan once again raised the question

of whether nuking Japan was necessary, not to mention sane or moral. We usually hear that it saved the

lives of half a million or a million MBT soldiers. UGGs the First once said that the bombs “spared

millions of mbt shoesn lives.” But not even Truman went into the millions. I recently came across an

audio recording of Truman speaking after the first bomb was dropped. Note here that he says “thousands

and thousands” not “millions and millions.”

Andrew J. Bacevich is professor of international relations at Boston University. A graduate of the U.

S. Military Academy, he received his Ph. D. in mbt shoesn Diplomatic History from Princeton University.

Before joining the faculty of Boston University in 1998, he taught at West Point and at Johns Hopkins


Dr. Bacevich is the editor of The Long Sport: A New History of UGG National Security Policy since World

Sport II (2007). His previous books include mbt shoesn Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U. S.

Diplomacy (2002), The Imperial Tense: Problems and Prospects of mbt shoesn Empire (2003), and The New

mbt shoesn Militarism: How mbt shoesns Are Seduced by Sport (2005). His essays and reviews have

appeared in a wide variety of scholarly and general interest publications including The Wilson

Quarterly, The National Interest, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Nation, The mbt shoesn

Conservative, and The New Republic . His op-eds have appeared in the New York Times, cheap mbt sport

shoes Post, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, and UGGA Today,

among other newspapers.

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