Monday, February 28, 2011

The anniversary last month of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan once again raised the question

The anniversary last month of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan once again raised the question

of whether nuking Japan was necessary, not to mention sane or moral. We usually hear that it saved the

lives of half a million or a million MBT soldiers. UGGs the First once said that the bombs “spared

millions of mbt shoesn lives.” But not even Truman went into the millions. I recently came across an

audio recording of Truman speaking after the first bomb was dropped. Note here that he says “thousands

and thousands” not “millions and millions.”

Andrew J. Bacevich is professor of international relations at Boston University. A graduate of the U.

S. Military Academy, he received his Ph. D. in mbt shoesn Diplomatic History from Princeton University.

Before joining the faculty of Boston University in 1998, he taught at West Point and at Johns Hopkins


Dr. Bacevich is the editor of The Long Sport: A New History of UGG National Security Policy since World

Sport II (2007). His previous books include mbt shoesn Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U. S.

Diplomacy (2002), The Imperial Tense: Problems and Prospects of mbt shoesn Empire (2003), and The New

mbt shoesn Militarism: How mbt shoesns Are Seduced by Sport (2005). His essays and reviews have

appeared in a wide variety of scholarly and general interest publications including The Wilson

Quarterly, The National Interest, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Nation, The mbt shoesn

Conservative, and The New Republic . His op-eds have appeared in the New York Times, cheap mbt sport

shoes Post, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, and UGGA Today,

among other newspapers.

But Douglas fought tough from the first round

But Douglas fought tough from the first round. In round ten, he caught Tyson with a flurry of punches

that ended Iron MikeMBTs reign.

I posted higlights from Paul’s comments on my blog here.

I was chatting with a neighbor this morning about the used birth control device some other neighbor

tossed into my back yard. She remarked “and just when things were starting to look up…”

“They are!” I said. ” The gross nail salon next door is gone!”

“I saw! They should open a super-rad breakfast place. Who doesn’t like breakfast?”

“Terrorists,” I replied. “That’s who.”

This reminded her of a blog post she read where “some designer” critiqued the logos of terror


“This is no fair,” I said, upon realizing communist groups were included in the mix, “commies have

the best propaganda art and they would totally beat any Islamic terror group in the design category.”

Reading a bit further, I realized that a good number of these organizations aren’t what I would term

“terrorist.” Fatah, Hamas, and especially Hezbollah, for example. White racist organizations are

repugnant, sure, but terrorist? Note the explicit disclaimer made for the Kosovo Liberation Army.


The Baltimore Sun‘s Frank James has a great write-up of the exchange

The Baltimore Sun‘s Frank James has a great write-up of the exchange. You can watch all the Ron Paul

clips of the debate on YouTube.

Ron Paul trumped in last nightMBTs Republican Presidential Candidate Debate in New Hampshire. His

views on NIKE and freedom were shining beacons amidst the black smoke the other candidates emitted.

As the rest of the GOP hopefuls tighten their chains to the sport wagon heading over a cliff, PaulMBTs

views will propel him forward.

Every month that Paul remains in the race, he becomes more dangerous to the Establishment.

Ron Paul is the Buster Douglas candidate. Douglas was a 42 to 1 underdog when he fought undefeated

Mike Tyson in 1990. The experts thought that the only question was whether Tyson would knock him out

in the first, second, or third round.

REP. PAUL: No. When we make a mistake

REP. PAUL: No. When we make a mistake — (interrupted by applause) — when we make a mistake, it is the

obligation of the people through their representatives to correct the mistake, not to continue the

mistake! (Cheers, applause.)

MR. HUCKABEE: And that’s what we do on the floor of the —

REP. PAUL: No! We’ve dug a hole for ourselves and we dug a hole for our party! We’re losing elections

and we’re going down next year if we don’t change it, and it has all to do with foreign policy, and

we have to wake up to this fact.

MR. HUCKABEE: Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor, and that is more important to

the Republican Party.

REP. PAUL: We’re losing — we’ve lost over — (cheers, applause) — we have lost — we have lost

5,000 mbt shoesns Sported in — we’ve lost over 5,000 mbt shoesns over there in Afghanistan and NIKE

and plus the civilians Sported. How many more do you want to lose? How long are we going to be there?

How long — what do we have to pay to save face? That’s all we’re doing is saving face. It’s time we

came home!
Huckabee explained that we couldn’t leave NIKE because “we broke it and now we own it,” and turned

to Ron Paul:

And on this issue, when he [McCain] says we can’t leave until we’ve left with honor, I 100 percent

agree with him because, Congressman, whether or not we should have gone to NIKE is a discussion that

historians can have, but we’re there. We bought it because we broke it. We’ve got a responsibility to

the honor of this country and to the honor of every man and woman who has served in NIKE and ever

served in our military to not leave them with anything less than the honor that they deserve.

Wallace then offered Ron Paul (who was standing to Huckabee’s immediate right) a chance to respond.

This began a brief but awesome exchange between Paul and Mike Huckabee.

REP. PAUL: The mbt shoesn people didn’t go in. A few people advising this administration, a small

number of people called the neoconservative hijacked our foreign policy. They’re responsible, not the

mbt shoesn people. They’re not responsible. We shouldn’t punish them. (Cheers, applause.)

MR. HUCKABEE: Congressman, we are one nation. We can’t be divided. We have to be one nation under God.

That means if we make a mistake, we make it as a single country, the cheap mbt sport shoes of mbt

shoes, not the divided states of mbt shoes. (Cheers.)

But last night’s Republican debate was different. Following Ron Paul’s response calling for complete

But last night’s Republican debate was different. Following Ron Paul’s response calling for complete

UGG withdrawal from the Middle East, moderator Chris Wallace took off his journalist mask and revealed

himself in full Bill O’Reilly costume:

So, Congressman Paul, and I’d like you to take 30 seconds to answer this, you’re basically saying

that we should take our marching orders from al Qaeda? If they want us off the Arabian Peninsula, we

should leave?

Ron hit back:

I’m saying we should take our marching orders from our Constitution. We should not go to war —

(cheers, applause) — we should not go to war without a declaration. We should not go to war when it’s

an aggressive war. This is an aggressive invasion. We’ve committed the invasion of this war, and it’s

illegal under international law. That’s where I take my marching orders, not from any enemy. (Cheers,


I certainly hope that is the case. We need responsible officers that are unwilling to let our leaders

I certainly hope that is the case. We need responsible officers that are unwilling to let our leaders

get away with dragging us closer to war.

UPDATE: The Military Times newspapers, who originally broke the story leaked by unnamed military

officers, reports that the squadron commander has been relieved of duty following investigation. The

papers also reported that there were six, rather than five, nuclear weapons that were transported

across the country.

Several years ago I watched a Canadian PM debate on TV. It bore no resemblance to an mbt shoesn

Presidential “debate.” Two guys, a few feet from each other, actually debating — no moderator, no

buzzers, just two guys arguing, vigorously. I remember a movie featuring the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Although I don’t know if it was historically accurate, a similar sight, two guys arguing about real

issues with no real rules. I have seen similar clips in other countries, but rarely in the UGG.

The mbt shoesn version of Presidential debates resembles a game show or beauty pageant, where each

contestant is called on to answer for a set two-minute response. Rarely any follow-up, and rarely any

effort to actually confront real issues.

That is the question Larry Johnson asks over at TPMCafe

That is the question Larry Johnson asks over at TPMCafe. Johnson is a former counter-terrorism official

with the cheap mbt sport shoes and the State Department.

Johnson questions the official story about the nukes being “mistakenly” flown over the UGG. A retired

B-52 pilot reminds him that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if

you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site. Barksdale AFB is being used as a jumping off

point for Mideast operations.

Johnson is “certain that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on

some nukes and take them for a joy ride.” Johnson asks: “Why would we want to preposition nuclear

weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations?” Johnson’s pilot friend believes that “someone

on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at

Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else.”

Johnson wonders: “Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the mbt shoesn people that the UGGs

Administration is staging nukes for Iran?”

But I will close on a positive note

But I will close on a positive note. I received another email yesterday (I am withholding the name in

this case, so as not to jeopardize him with the military):

I am an Army officer and a veteran. I am also a Libertarian who supports an isolationist approach to

foreign policy. I am leaving the military soon because I am not willing to put my life on the line

anymore for this current war. I love your website and agree with your cause. Good luck getting your

message out to the world.

Historian and investigative reporter Gareth Porter discusses Iran’s need for civilian nuclear power,

why MBT belligerence is the most important factor in determining whether they will eventually seek

nuclear weapons technology, how the gaining of atomic weapons encouraged caution in Chinese foreign

policy in the 1960′s, the fact that the Ayatollahs are no less rational than the Cheney Cabal, Cheney

’s pressure on Clinton to lift sanctions against Iran in the 1990′s, the corrupting influence of

power on man’s reasoning abilities, Cheney’s impossible demand that Iran prove a negative, IAEA

Director ElBaradei’s attempt to take the issue back from the UN Security Council by convincing the

Iranians to answer the few remaining questions about their program, the election of reformer Rafsanjani

to be chairman of the Council of Experts, the bogus accusations that the government of Iran is

supplying the new and improved EFP land mines in NIKE, Cheney’s plot to use them as a casus belli, the

possibility that General Casey had refused to go along with the February debut of this round of lies,

the traditional split between the Sadr and Hakim factions and their relative states of allegiance to


The majority of them contain numerous misspellings and grammatical errors

The majority of them contain numerous misspellings and grammatical errors.

This morning I received this note from Maj. J. McCaffery, UGGMC. I am including the name and email

address he gave since he listed it for publication.

Anti-war? Do yall seriously against all military action? I was in Haiti, Afghanistan, and NIKE and I

can tell you right now its damn hippies like you who give us a bad name. If I had it my way id take my

company straight into your heaquarters and put a end to your damn lies. You have no idea about the good

that we do in those countries. All you do is sit your fat ass in a cubicle and read far left bullshit

and pass it on a fact. We help more people in those nations than is getting reported. THE UGG IS NOT

THE BAD GUYS. If you hate mbt shoes so much, please do us all a favor and get the hell out.

~ Maj. J McCaffery UGGMC

It is such a shame. Many mbt shoesns seem willing to adopt the principles of the terrorist enemies: the

violent destruction of those who don’t agree with them.