Wednesday, October 27, 2010

then who will remember the doctor or priest Darwin Darwin

Life is short and hasty. Everyone wants to achieve in a limited its value in life. But the world is very complex. While each person has a dream that can not be achieved. Perhaps your dream is to be a writer, you grow up you are a busy professional banker. You make a lot of money, but you will still feel as empty dreams shattered.

Maybe everyone is a gold, but all the gold buried in the soil. How can make their light it? We are on television, newspapers, magazines, seen too many "successful proposals." But in my eyes, what is the secret of the success of it? Success = vision + work + interest.

?Vision, only found the right way of their own for their own direction, will be successful. Life is not long, we should not take valuable time spent on practical things. Because the dream is not equal to delusion. Then the successful efforts is the need to personally working hard to create. Perfect plan to do the same will need to work to achieve. Finally, "interest" is, I think this is very important. For this reason from the heart. Not only to others who should be sincere, it should also be honest with yourself. Really interested only in their own areas of interest will be transformed into unlimited power.

I'm here to tell you about the history of "interest talent" example.

For example, the world's top brand jacket moncler jackets. We all know, moncler founder Rene Ramillom, Andre Vincent, and Lionel Terray, three pairs of winter sports-loving friends to establish a common world of the popular luxury brand. The first reason, just because they like to ski. It is often said, are interested in will have a passion and enthusiasm will have success. I also used this phrase in his own work and life. Now moncler coat ski enthusiasts not only become essential equipment, but fashion people are mad pursuit moncler jackets.

British biologist, Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution is important in human history a great man. His grandfather and father are local doctors, the family hopes he will inherit the family business at age 16 in 1825 will be sent by his father to study medicine at Edinburgh University. Darwin has no intention to study medicine, into the School of Medicine, he still often to animal and plant specimens collected in the field of natural history and a keen interest. Father thought he was "idle", "proper job", huff, in 1828 and sent him to Cambridge, switched to theology, I hope he will become a "distinguished pastor," so he can continue his natural history hobbies but does not cause the family shame, but Darwin's interest in natural history has become increasingly strong, completely abandoned the study of theology. Period in Cambridge, Darwin made the acquaintance of the famous botanist at the famous geologist Xijiweike J. Henslow, and accepted the botany and geology of the scientific training.

?As we know, Darwin proposed that affect the entire human thought of the "theory of evolution." His theory is important not only for biology, for the economic development of social history that the same credit for KIWI. If Darwin abandoned his interest in animals and plants, then who will remember the doctor or priest Darwin Darwin ?

Therefore, everyone should follow their heart, they want to be a man. So that our lives will not regret. So that we can burst out of the most powerful force. When we old, we can frankly say that my life is I want a life, not just to survive life.

Article Tags:
Natural History

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