Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In the decision to buy a home or rent one

The real estate quandary has been around forever and the answer can fluctuate, depending on the economic circumstances. Is it better to buy a house or to be a renter?

The advantages of buying a house include saving money on taxes, a forced savings account, pride of ownership, and being a part of the classic American dream. There are substantial tax write-offs for ownership that help many to reduce their annual tax debt. Paying a mortgage each month is usually the top of the list for most people. It is often the last thing that they would let slide. Even if the prices aren't going up as quickly as they were in the past, the money paid to the bank goes toward the principal of the residence which is slowly but surely becoming an asset.

Owning a home means that you can paint it whatever color you decide, rip up the carpet on a whim in order to replace it with tile or hardwood, put in a swimming pool or have a backyard full of wildflowers. It's a place to raise children and to hunker down into on a cold winter's night. Sure, the real estate prices have been up and down, but there is truly no place like home.

The disadvantages of ownership include lack of flexibility and ongoing maintenance. If there is a need to relocate to another region quickly due to a job transfer, the homeowner will need to sell their house before they can pick up and relocate. There are also maintenance issues to contend with. No landlord will take care of emergency plumbing problems or a leaky roof. The buck stops with the home-owner and he or she must be prepared.

The advantages of being a renter include flexibility and being able to have the landlord foot the maintenance bills. If frequent moves are a part of a person's employment scene, it may be wise to rent so that they can easily pull up stakes. Having someone else being responsible for repairs and maintenance can be a relief, as well. It must be noted that landlords may not always comply quickly or the way you'd like them to. You may think the carpet is hideous and needs to be replaced while the landlord thinks it just needs a bit of shampooing.

The disadvantages of renting include fluctuating rent costs and throwing money down the drain. The prices can rise from lease to lease and the person living there has no control. If they can no longer afford the rent, they will have no choice but to find another abode. The rent checks that they may have handed over for years paid for their right to live there, but in the end, they own nothing.

In the decision to buy a home or rent one, individuals will need to weigh the situation for themselves in order to come up with their own "right" answer.

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